To educate, nurture and disciple
Dalby Christian College was established in 1981 to offer a distinctively Christian Education. Since that time the College has grown to offer coeducational P-12, Secondary Boarding starting in Year 7, and an Early Learning Centre. Dalby Christian College is one of 11 schools in Australia owned by Christian Community Ministries and is a member of Independent Schools Queensland and Christian Schools Australia.
For families looking for a home away from home for their secondary students, Dalby Christian College is not just another private boarding school, it is an invaluable investment in your child's future. The Pre-Kindy to Year 12 College offers a broad and exciting educational experience in a caring, disciplined environment. It exists to provide a distinctively Christian education, modelled and taught by practising Christian teachers. The Christian ethos encourages students to develop with a deep faith in God.
In 2015 the College opened a new purpose-built secondary boarding facility that features male and female wings. Boarders enjoy air conditioned, twin-share accommodation with ensuite and each wing contains a large and comfortable living space. Students also have access to "family" common areas where they can relax, play games and enjoy the company of other boarders.
Students are cared for by our Boarding Assistants under the direction of our Head of Boarding. Students have a routine that helps them manage school, extra-curricular activities, study and meals as well as some down-time. Monitored Wi-Fi access is available through the Boarding house. The facility can accommodate a maximum of sixteen girls and sixteen boys.
In recent times the campus has been in a stage of rapid development. The newest additions are the Science and Home Economics specialist block and a Creative Arts specialist block as well as the refurbishment of our Multi-Purpose Centre with more development planned for the future.
A broad range of subjects are on offer for secondary students, with provision for academic and vocational pathways (please refer to our website for more information on subjects). The Australian curriculum is taught from a Biblical Christian perspective. Students also participate in daily devotions, Biblical Studies subject, weekly chapel services and character development courses. Opportunities also exist for mission trips and camps.
To experience this culture for yourself, we invite you to phone for an appointment to meet the College Principal and tour the College facilities. Please contact the College on (07) 4672 4222 or visit www.dalbycc.qld.edu.au
- Boarding Years Offered
- Years 7-12 Boy and Girls
- School Years Offered
- Prep - 12
- Number of Boarders
- 24
- Number of Day Students
- 342
- Number of Girls
- 152
- Number of Boys
- 214
- Religious Affiliation
- Christian
School Fees
- Tuition Only
- $3,270 - $5,540
- Boarding Only
- $11,120 (Part Time)- $13,650 (Full Time)
- Sibling Discount
- 2nd child $600 off tuition, 3rd and subsequent children no charge for tuition fees
Additional Information
- Indigenous Scholarship Programme
- International Baccalaureate
- CRICOS provider
(Full Fee Paying Overseas Students)
Open Day Dates
- Call the office to book a personal tour with the Principal
For more information on Dalby Christian College
- Telephone
- +61 7 4672 4222
- Website
- dalbycc.qld.edu.au
- Address
- 2a Mary Street, Dalby, QLD 4405