Schoolyard bullying has been in the media recently, with Australia holding its first National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence. Parenting organisation Generation Next estimates that 25% of school children suffer at the hands of some kind of bullying to the degree that it affects their mental health and wellbeing.
The Bullying No Way website has been developed by education departments around the nation to help overcome the difficult problem of bullying that only gets worse when it is ignored. According to the site, research has demonstrated that bystanders play a significant role in bullying. With bystanders estimated to be present during 85% of bullying incidents, we need to find ways to teach children what to do to stop it happening.
The solutions offered by Bullying No Way involve not only students but also school staff and parents. It reminds people that by knowing that the bullying is happening and doing nothing they are actually part of the problem.
Motivating bystanders to act is now being promoted as a major positive response, not just for schools, but in communities and workplaces. Visit the website for activities for school and classroom, parents and students.