Boarding 365 is our new Virtual Expo specifically targeting families in the most remote rural and regional areas of Australia and overseas, along with those simply located too far away from an Expo event and those families in urban areas who have decided the Boarding experience is the best opportunity for their children.

The platform is a professional, fully immersive and engaging experience, bringing families to the ’table’ to discuss their needs at the earliest possible stage.
Boarding 365 Inclusions
Australian Boarding Schools Summit
Gold Partners
- by partnering with us you are showcasing your school during the online Summit
- includes virtual booth and signage
- invitation to nominate student panellists
- invitation to nominate a podcast guest
- limited availability to nominate session panellists
Virtual Event – Boarding 365 inclusions
- Booth and Signage
- Marketing campaigns directly targeted
- Virtual Reception Desk – meet & greet and online chat option for those visitors that need it
- Up to 2 Custom Avatars
- Conversation Starter – engage when a visitor checks into your ‘virtual booth’ regardless of whether they’ve booked an appointment
- Calendar Appointment Bookings
- Reports available upon request during the ‘live’ event which is 6 weeks leading up to The Australian Boarding Schools Summit on Friday 11 October 2024
- Streamlined easy access to your ‘virtual booth’ to add material in a variety of formats.
- Personalised assistance throughout 12 months
Silver Partners
- by partnering with us you are showcasing your school during the online Summit
- logo displayed on landing page
- link to school profile page at
Marketing / Advertising
Extensive National Mixed Media Campaign & Professional PR
- Expo website:
- A school profile page with link to your school website inc. video embed feature
- School, Open day, Scholarships and Fees directory listings
- Social Media – Facebook, Blog, Twitter and Instagram
- E-newsletter fortnightly to our extensive database
- Podcast – Destination Boarding
- The Land, Queensland Country Life, Farm Weekly, Stock & Land, Stock Journal and it’s affiliated Australian Community Media publications + BSE Feature in The Land
- TV advertising
- Targeted SEO:
- Google Adwords Campaigns
- Ongoing website Keyword Optimisation
- ICPA Mail Out / E-flyer and National Advertising campaign Pedals Magazine
- Dedicated SEO Management Team driving unique visitors to our website
- Targeted multi-channel advertising partnerships
- E-flyer supplied to participating schools
- Regional Newspapers
- Community sponsorship – Junior sports teams
- Banners, flyers and posters
- Street Signage
- PR (local radio, local press)
- Local Primary School Newsletter ads