A support network of boarding sisters Fourteen year old Asha Osborne from Newcastle, was worried about homesickness until she arrived at the Ravenswood Residential College (RRC) to discover a strong support network for boarders, not only in the College but across the day school as well. “I was expecting living away from my parents to…
Articles and stories about boarding in Australia
Riley Bomford
Damon O’Sullivan: a once in a life-time experience
Georgia Porteous: message to my younger boarder self
Georgia Porteous recently graduated from Kinross Wolaroi School. A boarder from Dubbo since Year 7, she was excited about boarding school for several years prior to starting. So much so, some were worried boarding may not live up to her high expectations. She looks back over the past six years of her boarding life to…
Hello world: preparing your school leaver
Boarding Schools Expo marketing communications specialist, Kim V. Goldsmith is mum to a school leaver. She gives a somewhat light-hearted take on the serious topic of what it takes to get your soon-to-be ex-boarding, school leaver ready to enter the ‘real’ world. You endure 13 years of school, along with the endless paperwork and appointments…
Boarding school: tips from the frontline
One of the great things about Boarding Schools Expo is not just the events we host each year that bring boarding schools and families from rural and regional NSW together under the one roof, it’s the resources we gather over time. Resources that help families make the right decision for them about what schools to…
Life after school: financial preparation
BY RYAN TAYLOR, FINANCIAL LITERACY FOR YOUNG AUSTRALIANS* Many students upon completion of high school choose to venture off on a “schoolies” trip with friends, a trip abroad, university studies, or immediately land a job and start working. Regardless of which option they choose, being prepared and having the financial know-how for their future can…
Life after school: motivation and discipline
BY RYAN TAYLOR, FINANCIAL LITERACY FOR YOUNG AUSTRALIANS* The comfort of school will soon be coming to an end for this year’s graduates, with major works and exams around the corner. While school may not seem like the most comforting place during stressful times such as exam week or the night before (or morning of)…
Jodie Crowe: boarding is an adjustment for everyone
Living 50km north of Moree, Jodie and Andrew Crowe had discussed the idea of boarding school before the first of their six children arrived. It was something they felt was right for them but would take some adjustment as each child left home. As for choosing what schools would best suit their children, it was…
Prudence Brosnan: opportunities and sisters
Prudence Brosnan is one of the Boarding House captains who co-leads the St Margaret’s sisterhood living on campus. She hopes to inspire, motivate and encourage her fellow ‘sisters’ to take full advantage of their St Margaret’s boarding experience and all of the opportunities available. From Thallon in South West Queensland, Prudence had to adjust to…