Yanco is a fully residential, co-educational NSW Public Boarding High School
Yanco Agricultural High School is a quality public co-educational residential high school specialling in Agriculture. All students from Year 7 to Year 12 are either weekly or fulltime boarders. Your child will have the opportunity of learning in an environment with other students from across NSW all of whom share an interest in agriculture. Being an agricultural high school enables us to focus our teaching and farm resources on students learning to ensure that they are provided with a wide variety of learning opportunities and experiences within an agricultural setting.
The school has a White Suffolk Sheep Stud and Shorthorn and Limousin Cattle Studs, which focus on breeding high-performing, commercially relevant animals and utilise technologies such as Electronic Identification, Genomics and Artificial Insemination to educate students on sheep and cattle production and marketing.
At Yanco Agricultural High School your child will be able to participate in a large number of sporting activities, as they would be able to in their local community. The school has a bus that runs in the afternoons and on weekends to transport your child to their chosen sport or activity. Some of the sporting groups and activities available are AFL, Athletics, Basketball, Bowls, Cadets, Cricket, Dancing, Golf, Girl Guides, Gym, Hockey, Indoor Volleyball, Karate, League Tag, Movies, Music lessons, Netball, Rugby League, Rugby Union, Rural Fire Service Cadets, Scouts, Shooting, Shopping Leave, Soccer, Squash, Swimming Club, Tae Kwon Doe, Tennis, Town Band, Touch Football, Fishing Club, Show Stock Teams, Pony Club, Lake Talbot Water Park, Bon Fires, Ten pin Bowling, Laser tag and much more.
In a caring residential environment, students are encouraged to achieve their potential to become effective contributors in their communities and society within a dynamic and complex world. Affirming the best of the schools traditions, our aim is to provide a well-balanced and diverse educational program with a focus on agricultural pursuits. At Yanco Agricultural High School, we aim to create teaching and learning environments that enable students to be healthy, happy, engaged and successful. Our focus is to create a culture of wellbeing across the whole school community, building and promoting our Yanco family and creating a sense of belonging and inclusivity.
- Boarding Years Offered
- 7-12 Co-ed
- School Years Offered
- 7-12
- Number of Boarders
- 300
- Number of Girls
- 150
- Number of Boys
- 150
School Fees
- Tuition Only
- Nil other than elective subject fees
- Boarding Only
- $11,254 – $12,874
- Sibling Discount
- $0
Additional Information
- Indigenous Scholarship Programme
- International Baccalaureate
- CRICOS provider
(Full Fee Paying Overseas Students)
Scholarship Dates
Closing Testing
- Scholarships offered via The Old Yanconians Foundation
Open Day Dates
- 31/03/2023
- 9.00am - 2.30pm
Upcoming Expos where you can meet us
For more information on Yanco Agricultural High School
- Telephone
- +61 2 6951 1500
- Website
- yancoag-h.schools.nsw.edu.au
- Address
- 259 Euroley Rd, Yanco, NSW 2703